MAI TAI Kite Camp 2009 - Susi Mai and Bill Tai, back on MAUI!
MaiTai 2009 -- What a BLAST! Hard to believe this is year 7 for KiteCamp in its various forms, and something like year 11 including prior versions built around windsurfing. Kym McNicholas of came out to cover it this year.
If I can get caught up ill post some great pictures from the attendees. I have to start with this awesome retro picture, part of a set by Christopher Michel. Somewhere amongst the 80 or so participants this year maybe Chris will find a match wrt to his eye for a great shot.

What an action packed week on Maui. Susi Mai and I want to give special thanks to all the help and participation by our special guests -- Robby Naish, Pete Cabrinha, Shannon Best, Shawn and Jesse Richman, Cameron Dietrich, Andy Church and the Naish crew -- Coach Hughes, Jon Malmberg, Nitsan, Damien for participating and making it all happen. Many thanks also to Neil and the crew from Neil Pryde / Cabrinha -- Keven Ozee, Steve Gunn, Kent Marinkovic, David Hastilow and of course Alma Tassi!! More soon!
MaiTai 2009 -- What a BLAST! Hard to believe this is year 7 for KiteCamp in its various forms, and something like year 11 including prior versions built around windsurfing. Kym McNicholas of came out to cover it this year.
If I can get caught up ill post some great pictures from the attendees. I have to start with this awesome retro picture, part of a set by Christopher Michel. Somewhere amongst the 80 or so participants this year maybe Chris will find a match wrt to his eye for a great shot.

What an action packed week on Maui. Susi Mai and I want to give special thanks to all the help and participation by our special guests -- Robby Naish, Pete Cabrinha, Shannon Best, Shawn and Jesse Richman, Cameron Dietrich, Andy Church and the Naish crew -- Coach Hughes, Jon Malmberg, Nitsan, Damien for participating and making it all happen. Many thanks also to Neil and the crew from Neil Pryde / Cabrinha -- Keven Ozee, Steve Gunn, Kent Marinkovic, David Hastilow and of course Alma Tassi!! More soon!