Best Waroo 9 vs. GK Sonic 11 - UPDATE (read the comment section)
I've been wanting to compare these two GREAT kites for some time now. While I've been riding the GK 11 for months now, it hasn't been windy enough for me to use my BEST Waroo 9.
Yesterday, it was FINALLY windy enough to try out my new WAROO - low 20's with gusts into the high 20's. Note the gusty 8-10 Mph (25-30%) range.
Unquestionably, both of these kites handle gusts supremely better, provide MUCH better range, and provide much more power at the top of the wind window than C-kites.
Here's my conclusion thus far: (update 7/24/06) I like both kites BUT prefer flying the WAROO when its windy :

Unquestionably, both of these kites handle gusts supremely better, provide MUCH better range, and provide much more power at the top of the wind window than C-kites.
Here's my conclusion thus far: (update 7/24/06) I like both kites BUT prefer flying the WAROO when its windy :
I've had several more sessions on both the Waroo 9 and the GK 11. here are some observations.
- it's definitely a more comfortable transition learning to jump with the Waroo (coming from a C-kite)compared to the GK.
- the bar is 'squared off' providing better grip, but its hard on the hands combined with it's bar pressure.
- ive blown 2 bladders simply inflating the kite. The strut shape is 'curved' at the leading edge and has 'corners' where voids occur that create stretch points on the bladders that pop.
- THIS KITE HANDLES GREAT!! It's becoming my favorite kite to ride now that I have a handle on the kite's responsiveness.
- Timing and technique matter on the jump to 'get it right'. Once mastered, the lift is GREAT at the peak of the jump, and the landings are softer than other kites for the same amount of 'pull'. it's important to redirect the kitre first w/o sheeting in, and waiting til the kite is 'coming back (forward) to sheet in as you come back down.
- I still like this kite for relaxed riding. My hands dont tire out using my GK at all (where they do get tired on the WAROO)
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