Count out SEVEN FULL SECONDS - one, one thousand; two, one thousand; three, one thousand; four, one thousand; five, one thousand; six, onethousand; seven one thousand...
This post is from my friends at Aqua Sports -

Congratulations to Roni Du Preez for her outstanding achievement in this years Kitefest.
The 2005 Kitefest run by the infamous Robin Williams was held on schedule at Kanaha Beach Park on June 23-26.
Families dominated the mens podium with the Drexler brothers showing an impressive standing, but just shy of the Richmon Brothers (Shaun and Jesse) taking first and second in Mens Pro division.
The woman's heat was held in blusterly gusty conditions. Aqua Sports' own Roni DuPreez faced heavy challenges to her first place position, yet was able to refly her heat and triumphed as this years first place winner.
If that wasn't enough, she solidified her first place position with an impressive 7 second airtime to become this year's hangtime winner and Kitefest's Queen of the Air.
Way to go, Roni!
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